For sports and outdoor work
Airtrim are mainly used by those working or exercising in wind and cold. For elite athletes Airtrim is a valuable piece of equipment as it makes the heating and recovery more efficient during exercise. Airtrim is also used by those who exercise in ski tunnels where the air is very dry.
For health
People suffering from cold-induced asthma, COPD and angina breathe easier using the Airtrim asthma filter. Airtrim also seems to prevent cold-induced asthma for those who not yet suffer from it.
Airtrim can also be used as a life saving heat source at accidents. It takes longer to be cooled with the mask on.
When your throat feels dry or sore you can use the Airtrim asthma filter. The warm and humid breathing air will help you get better faster.

In the pictures above you find, among others, Erik Svensson who by using Airtrim managed to run Vasaloppet (90 km ski race) in 5:28 h even though he suffers from cold-induced asthma. Frederick String on his way up Mount Everest. Magnus Flock on the top of Mount MacKinley, Alaska (6196m). Mikael Strandberg in Siberia where temperatures can go down to -55 degrees (Celsius).
Satisfied users
Emil Wingstedt, elit orienteers

Anders Mårtensson, work in the freezer and refrigeration industry
